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価格: ¥933
カテゴリ: CD
ブランド: Sony
Serious artists don't usually get discovered via TV talent shows, but this 21-year-old former Nashville Star finalist has become an important songwriter and vocalist with her debut album, Kerosene, which immediately sprang to the top of the country charts. Overall, it's a set of amiable country pop, but the title track and "What About Georgia?," which open the disc, are rock songs at heart--driven by a hard-smacked snare drum and layers of guitar. But what's really at the core of these excellent performances is Lambert's romantic lyrics and versatile singing. When she's playing the angry lover in "Kerosene," she's loaded with punky attitude. When she's brokenhearted and moving on in "New Strings," her soft, delicate tones and gentle phrasing perfectly capture a rich blend of sadness and hope. There's even a bit of Dolly Parton's sweet vibrato and rustic charm in "Me and Charlie Talking," a nostalgic contemplation on love and life's simple virtues. Lambert authored or co-penned 11 of Kerosene's dozen tunes, but what she's really written is the first chapter in what may be a long, impressive career. --Ted Drozdowski
中々 ★★★★☆
カントリーファン必聴! ★★★★★
若干21歳、女性シンガーのデビューアルバム。ビルボードカントリーチャート初登場で堂々の1位。とてもバランスのとれた質の良いカントリーロックのコレクションです。しかも、ほとんどが彼女の自作曲。ディクシー・チックスのナタリー・メインズ系統のボーカルに、チックスよりヘヴィなサウンドが重なり、とてもかっこいい。スローナンバーの堂々たる歌いっぷりも見事です。ストーンズみたいなのが好きな人も、だまされたと思って聞いてみてほしいです。「Me and Charlie Talking」の快調さは絶品!