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価格: ¥3,059
カテゴリ: CD
ブランド: EMIミュージック・ジャパン
メタルメタル ★★★★★
みどりのおばちゃん ★★★★★

Starts off a little slow...then delivers the hammer!!!! ^o^ ★★★★★
This is the third Sex Machineguns CD and their best full length. It is all heavy and/or fast. No whimpy songs snuck in for their softer J-pop fans, like on the first and second CDs.

狼とキリギリス is a scorching fast thrash beat, double bass, screaming extravaganza. Followed by Death, with death metally vocals, and a new version of Aikoso Subete(the single version is produced better) the CD never relents from this point on.

My personal fav is サラリーマン嵐 (White Collar Worker Storm--rough translation). It's both fast and heavy with some serious double bass speed throughout.

Overall this is the noisiest and fastest SM have played, but it still retains their goofy sense of humor. A damn fine CD.