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The First Decade, 1983-1993

価格: ¥910
カテゴリ: CD
ブランド: Reunion
One of contemporary Christian music's founding fathers, Michael W. Smith offers a brief sampling in this 10-year retrospective. Most of these keyboard-driven songs concern uplifting themes of encouragement, support, and friendship. Some would argue that the lyrical content appeals more to church youth than what Smith displayed in later releases. No matter. While Smith certainly doesn't feature a golden voice, his forte lies in his songwriting, as evidenced throughout this greatest-hits collection. "Place in This World" and "Go West Young Man" are hard-charging anthems with irresistible melodies, while the unique "Rocketown" and "Secret Ambition" show a CCM artist thinking outside the traditional borders. "Kentucky Rose," one of two new songs, perhaps is the most enjoyable and demonstrates where Smith has gone later in the 1990s. --Michael Lyttle
未成熟さ、だからこそ直向きさがいっぱい ★★★★☆
曲調は、Michael Smithそのものです。いま御自身がふり返られると、きっと手直しをされる曲が多いのではと勝手に想像しています。ですが、若いときのMichael Smithが好きな方、これは買っておいて決して後悔しないと思います。
ヒーリング・ミュージック ★★★★☆