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カーメイト(CARMATE) inno アルミラック 100 IN557

価格: ¥12,600
カテゴリ: Automotive
ブランド: カーメイト(CARMATE)
風きり音が気になります ★★☆☆☆
Useful Roof Rack for Multi-purpose Use! ★★★★★
I installed this roof rack on my Capella Wagon. I'm satisfied with this rack and its flexibility. Let me put it this way; this rack can carry various kinds of things as well as ski and snowboard equipments and ladders. And with this rack, you don't need to rent trucks from DIY stores in case you need long goods such as pipes and ladders. However, the rack is too short for mini vans, SUV and 1 box wagons, which is one of the drawbacks I am concerned about. 2 racks are required for mini vans and 1 box cars.

Basically I like this roof rack, so I'm gonna reuse it even if I change my car!
感想 ★★★★★