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Selection Sixteen

価格: ¥1,762
カテゴリ: CD
ブランド: Warp Records
Tom Jenkinson, the man behind Squarepusher's dark avant-junglist facade, is a remarkably prolific composer; over the 12 months prior to the release of Selection Sixteen, he'd already churned out an album--the squalid jazz-fusion of Music Is Rotted One Note --and a clutch of mini-albums that rewrote pretty much every musical rulebook going. Selection Sixteen, though, finds Squarepusher's good karma running low; the much-vaunted return to the high-octane rave of Jenkinson's early material proves misleading, as tracks like "Square Rave" and "Dedicated Loop" pop out as still-born electronic takes on his groundbreaking, organic forays into free jazz. Jenkinson needs to rein himself in before letting it all hang out again, and Selection Sixteen marks the point that he's put his first foot wrong. Fear not, though--he's got a remarkable capacity for reinvention, and every miss surely leads to some more chaotic, jumbled, peerlessly-addled hits. Rave on, indeed. --Louis Pattison