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Rambo: First Blood Part II - Original Film Soundtrack, New Expanded Edition

価格: ¥1,408
カテゴリ: CD
ブランド: Silva America
As soon as John J Rambo has been rescued from prison, briefed and suited up, Elliot Goldsmith's score rarely lets up its enthusiastic charge. There's lots of spying and creeping through jungle vines, where various unique electronic effects rattle and hiss to suggest his snakelike stealth. For the majority of the running time however, a battery of percussion serves to propel the man-mountain Stallone along on his private revenge spree. One cue manages to sum up the elements perfectly in just under four minutes. "Escape From Torture" rolls out the once semi-tragic Rambo motif ("It's a Long Road" in First Blood) with all the heroism of Indiana Jones. There are punctuating stings every time one of his arrows strikes home. There are flutters of oriental woodwind to acknowledge the presence of Julia Nickson's Thai spy Co, who's along for the ride as an attempted love interest. There are also several snatches of the "Betrayed" version of the hero theme to add weight to Rambo's plight. This is a revised and expanded edition of the music that makes for a loud, emboldening adrenaline rush of a listening experience. --Paul Tonks