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Future of What

価格: ¥1,242
カテゴリ: CD
ブランド: Kill Rock Stars
Recalling Marlon Brando's "Wild One" rejoinder, this Olympia power trio seems to be willing and able to rebel against pretty much anything--from major label pursuit to the limits of standard chord progression--put in its path. Unwound rip through songs like "New Energy" and "Natural Disasters" with such palpable rage that even listening to 'em can be exhausting, particularly when singer Justin Trosper hits full throttle. Unlike some of its "emo-core" peers, the trio seldom comes across as one-dimensional, thanks to tricky touches like the disorienting sampler loops that wind through "Pardon My French." Analogous to kindred spirits Fugazi, Unwound can be uplifting and annoying--often at the same time--but they could never be called boring. --David Sprague