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Last of the Mohicans

価格: ¥1,208
カテゴリ: CD
ブランド: Varese Sarabande
This re-recording does much to address what was wrong with the original 1992 album. All the cues are presented in the film's chronological order, something that immediately makes sense in the development of the (superb) principal themes. The split between composers is clearly highlighted, explained properly, and again chronological sequencing makes much better musical sense. In the new performance, far more of a martial snap is given to anything relating to the military, with "Fort Battle" and "Massacre" in particular feeling far more intense. The electronics may not be exactly duplicated, and the fiddle playing for Daniel Lanoi's "The Gael" is a new interpretation. Anyone looking for an exact replica would really be missing the point, however, since this 20-bit digital recording brightens many elements that were murkily bogged down in the earlier incarnation. True fans of this score should be delighted. What they have always loved are the Jones scored parts, and more specifically the achingly beautiful "Mohicans Theme". For 55 minutes, the theme and all its derivations are given far better treatment and prominence, including throughout numerous bonus new tracks. Second chances are rarely used so wisely. --Paul Tonks