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≒(ニアイコール)会田誠 ~無気力大陸~[DVD] (NEAR EQUAL AIDA MAKOTO)(English subtitle)

価格: ¥3,019
カテゴリ: DVD
ブランド: ビー・ビー・ビー株式会社
the painting countent is too weak ... he shouldn't paint that theme ★★★★☆
it's very interesting about introducing his history, his personal character ,
his working studio and his home life and family....but I found out ....
his painting "human" comes from a series of words found from dictionary....he just painted what dictionary says...it's too directly....i guess he is lacking of creation spirit. I am more interesting about the old picture "yummy girl " and wondering how everything starts to give him the idea to paint yummy girl.