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Made to Stick: Why some ideas take hold and others come unstuck

価格: ¥1,266
カテゴリ: ペーパーバック
ブランド: Arrow
「伝わらない」「何も起きない」への処方箋 ★★★★★
「話がうまく伝わらない」「話は聞いてもらえても結局何も起こらない」そんなモヤモヤした経験をお持ちの方に是非読んでいただきたい一冊。アイデアのちから という題で邦訳もあり。

もともとは Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery (Voices That Matter) (邦訳は プレゼンテーション Zen)というプレゼンに関する本で紹介されていたのがきっかけで読み始めた。しかし、本書はプレゼンに限らず、上司・部下とのコミュニケーション、学校の授業、商品の売り込み、などなど、人に何かを伝えて、そしてその人にアクションを起こしてもらいたい、と切実に願う人々にとって役に立つ内容だと思う。

Addictive Reading ★★★★★
I LOVE this book. I read it once right through as quickly as I could. Now I am on my second reading, savouring the cool stuff. I have already implemented so many of the great ideas in this book and am seeing success! Highly recommend this book to anyone who has an idea that they want to catch on.
記憶にございません ★★★★★
This book will help with your next big presentation ★★★★☆
Made to stick examines the reasons why some ideas are more 'sticky' than others, why certain seemingly trivial facts stay in our heads while others seem to fade from memory as soon as we hear them.

I found the book interesting and helpful. And some of the key techniques illustrated in the book have certainly helped with my teaching. In particular, the power of using stories to teach.
Get Your Story Straight And Revolutionize Your Marketing ★★★★★
Jake, a young entrepreneurial friend of mine in the IT industry , was not seeing the results he expected from numerous and inventive marketing strategies. He had tried online, print and direct marketing with marginal results. His business wasn't faltering but wasn't soaring either. So after a slew of marketing books he came across this one- and it was all I was hearing about from him until I read it myself and the light bulb clicked.

Just like you were interested in Jake's story other people like stories, they want to relate to you and your product but if they can't they will find a company that they can relate to.

Chip and Dan Heath give great examples every chapter on how to improve your "Stickiness" with simple strategies. The most important being their coined,
"SUCCES" acronym:

S simple - don't lose your core message in a lot of pomp and circumstance
U unexpected - make your idea jump out and grab people's attention
C concrete - keep it easy to grasp vs. mind boggling statistics or huge numbers
C credible - is your idea believable?
E emotion - people react to emotion and it creates an empathetic bond
S stories - story telling is an age old form of communication

I have been able to use "Made To Stick" concepts in my business with great results. I used to feel that stories in real estate investing wouldn't interest anyone but I knew from the book that stories were useful, if not crucial, in creating and growing a business. Now by using my customer's concrete feedback blended with their credible testimonials and sprinkled with a little emotion I am able transmit their core experience (what they got out of working with us an how it translated to their bottom line) to reach a greater audience.