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The Prince (Penguin Classics)

価格: ¥980
カテゴリ: ペーパーバック
ブランド: Penguin Classics
Be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten off wolves ★★★★★
In this thought-provoking treatise on political philosophy, Niccolo Machiavelli states: "So let a prince set about the task of conquering, and maintaining his state; his methods will always be judged honorable and will be universally praised." This has prompted many critics to quote him as arguing that the ends justify the means, and Machiavelli's name has become synonymous with political guile and devilish machinations. It is regrettable that his original meaning has been deliberately distorted or exaggerated.

The Prince is intended to advise princes what to do and what not to do if they are to achieve and maintain political power. In this much-criticized book, Machiavelli presents an erudite and insightful discussion about the nature and origins of principalities as well as informed comments about the relationship between a prince and his subjects. His clear-eyed appraisal of the political realities in medieval Italy is unparalleled, and his comment that "the best fortress that exists is to avoid being hated by the people" is convincing. The Prince is as informative and instructive as ever.
The great book(偉大な著作) ★★★★★
(To English-spaking readers)
This is one of the greatest classic of politics and the first book expressed political philosophy of realism. The Prince is a short essay but what is says is pregnant with meaning. This is worth reading today.
This English version is relied on the version edited by Mazzoni and Casella,which is established that it was the best text of The Prince in Italy. So,this translation can be very reliable. And this translation by George Bull is intelligible,so it's easy to read not only to English-speaking people but to Japanese!

Truths ★★★★★
I think Machiavelli wrote some truths about absolute rulers. It does not apply to all systems, but if you take a step back many businesses are little dictatorships so it is a useful book.