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inGenius: A Crash Course on Creativity

価格: ¥2,706
カテゴリ: ハードカバー
ブランド: HarperOne

Dear Gentle Readers,

I am delighted to share my new book, inGenius: A Crash Course on Creativity, with the Amazon audience in Japan. Over the past two years, since my last book - What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 - was released in Japanese, I have had several opportunities to visit your beautiful country, traveling to several cities, and meeting with students, educators, and industry leaders. I am impressed with the wonderful entrepreneurial spirit and enthusiasm of all those I had the pleasure to meet. 

inGenius, grew out of my experiences teaching courses at Stanford University on creativity, and includes a new model for unleashing creativity in individuals, teams, and organizations. The book includes several stories based upon my experiences in Japan, including a dynamic two day workshop that I ran with students at Osaka University.

I very much hope that you enjoy inGenius and welcome your comments on the book.
