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No Country for Old Men (Vintage International)

価格: ¥1,898
カテゴリ: ペーパーバック
ブランド: Vintage
Literary Thriller ★★★★★
I have read the "Border Trilogy," and "All the Pretty Horses" was my favorite, especially the horse breaking scenes and the scenes set in the Mexican Prison. BUT a lot of the time McCarthy leaves me scratching my head. Sometimes his stories go wandering off on tangents I just don't get (I sometimes fear I am just not intelligent enough to understand his point). This book however is more direct and simply laid out. A kind of modern day thriller that has so much more going on.

The basic story is this: While out hunting along the Rio Grande river, Llewelyn Moss, a Texas welder, stumbles upon $2 million, and a bunch of herion ready for the street all guarded by a dead man. Ross takes the money and is soon on the run from drug dealers, assassins, and the law. The author uses the plot as way to explore good and evil, heaven and hell, right and wrong; and do these things even exist? The book also contains plenty of action and some very gory, brutal scenes, so if you are bothered by graphic violence be forwarned! The Violence, though is central to the story and the issues the author is exploring.

To sum up this is an excellent thriller read with a lot more to say, than just entertain. I also recommend "Tourist in the Yucatan" another Violent thriller, set in Mexico, about a gringo on the run from people on both sides of the law, while also trying to find his missing wife.