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A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail

価格: ¥978
カテゴリ: マスマーケット
ブランド: Anchor
All quiet on the Appalachian Trail ★★★★☆
This book was written in the style of John McPhee and even quoting him once in a while. It includes facts and people like "The Perfect Storm." Then Bill Bryson adds first hand personal experiences. You can identify with his comments that do not have to be funny to be familiar.

This book recounts Bill Bryson's experiences on the Appalachian Trail. The dry facts can be picked up through other material. However the personal experiences are just that, personal. If you have never been hiking then you still get a feel for what you have missed. However if you have hiked then you can really appreciate the people he met, and circumstances that he went through. There are hikers and then there are hikers. In the Boy Scouts you are usually in a well-organized group, in the military you have to be more cautious of objects and terrain, Sierra Club and Outward Bound have their unique points of view. So if his experience is different, it still makes for fun reading.

I even liked the sections on selecting and using the equipment. I am afraid if I had met Bill Bryson on the trail; I would have been one of those "equipment comparing" people.

Anyway do not expect an epic and you will enjoy the time you spend reading this book. Oh, and it does make me want to go hiking.
トレッキングしたくなりました ★★★★★
A Good Book for a Good Friend ★★★★☆
I've always been interested in the books that are in the "travel" section, and I am glad that I picked up this one. Bryson's adventures into the woods is especially a good break away for readers caught up in the busy city life. There is history, nature, politics, science, etc. a little bit of everything that makes this book interesting. His characters are well described, even for those very brief encounters, and not to mention his companion Katz, who shows a whole different perspective into the Appalachian Trail experience. This book is very easy to get through, and a good book to take along on the road. And it's one of those books that you can think of a dozen friends that you want to share with.
アパラチアの夢 ★★★★☆
ユーモアとシリアスの絶妙なブレンド ★★★★★

