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Peter Pan: Centennial Edition (Signet Classics)

価格: ¥447
カテゴリ: マスマーケット
ブランド: Signet Classics
   マイケル・ヘイグの絵による古典童話の刷新版。J. M. バリーの有名な劇をもとにした『ピーターパン』には、いつまでも記憶に残る数々の人物が登場する。大人にならない少年ピーターパン、妖精ティンカーベル、悪者の海賊フック船長。そしてウェンディ、ジョン、マイケルの3人の子どもたちは、ピーターパンと一緒にネバーランドへ飛んで行き、インディアンや海賊や時計ワニと遭遇する。


We`ll Have to Wait on This ★★★★☆
My seven-year old enjoyed hearing me read the Harry Potter series, as well as from the Redwall series, from the Narnia tales, as well as A Wrinkle in Time. However, Peter Pan was only a hit with Mom. The literate tongue in cheek humor is completely lost on them and consequently makes the action drag for them. The black and white, kitschy Victorian illustrations are often a bit unclear or too dark colored and fail to impress. The exciting parts are exciting (and violent) but on the whole, they found this to be just "okay." Maybe we`ll try again when they`re older.