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価格: ¥2,345
カテゴリ: CD
ブランド: キティMME
Eri - Rest in peace ★★★★★
I read about Eri Kawai's death from liver cancer in August 2008, but had heard very little of her music, too little to appreciate her.

I was listening to another Eri - Eri Sugai, who is an amazingly talented singer - on Youtube, when I came across a track from this album. It was beautiful! I have found the album and, although I do not speak or understand Japanese, I don't need to. Erie sings in English and (I think) Hungarian, too.

This may only be 28 minutes long, but it is a miniature treasure. I know this was released in 2001, but in England, we have a saying - "better late than never", meaning it is better to discover Erie's music now than not to discover it at all.

All seven tracks are wonderfully arranged and sung beautifully. "Scarborough Fair" is a real tour de force for Erie, bearing in mind Japanese singers do not always sound convincingly in English - mixing the letters v & b, l & r and f & h. Erie delivers a fantastic version of this Simon & Garfunkel classic. However, that is not the best track on the album - that is Edes lany, words written by Kudo Zsunko and put to music by Eri and Yutaka Takezawa - a fantastic track. The other tracks, Sanctuary (both the acappela version and the second version with musicians), Shalion and Prayer are all brilliant - I understand Eri Sugai has sung Prayer. Finally, Oh My Glory, a tender ballad, again sung in English, is a beauty. Erie sings superbly and her English is equally as good.

These tracks sound like New Age music, not J-Pop as the album is described, and I just adore this. They are quite wonderful, from the point of view of both the vocal and the instrumental arrangements.

It is extremely sad that Eri Kawai died so young - aged 43. However, this album, although short, will spend a lot of time on my CD player. Eri, rest in peace. your music lives on and this is a fitting tribute to a singer who was never known, I think, outside Japan.

For British fans, look for Kaxe No Michi E, a full 53 minutes of something different. It is more J-Pop, but more mature music than what I associate J-Pop to be - no doubt, some Japanese fans will correct me if I have been too harsh.

I the meantime, I will bask in the beauty that is Prayer by Erie (Eri Kawai - R.I.P.)
良い音楽でお部屋の浄化に最適。 ご冥福をお祈りします。黙祷。 ★★★★★

書かずにはいられない ★★★★★
 この澄み切った美声は、なんと表現すれば最適なのだろう? 「晴れ渡った蒼空より降り注ぐ天気雨のよう」としか、拙い筆では評し得ないが、恐らく如何な達人と言えども、文字で表すのは不可能ではないだろうか?
心にしみる ★★★★☆




北欧神話の中のよう・・・ ★★★★★
