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Hot House

価格: ¥1,719
カテゴリ: CD
ブランド: Encoded Music
With his brassy sound, Arturo Sandoval is a glorious throwback to a tradition of big-band trumpeters who cast their voices over pumping horn sections, from Swing Era greats like Bunny Berigan and Harry James to bop players such as Dizzy Gillespie and high-note specialist Maynard Ferguson. Sandoval is most adept when he's fusing the rhythmic vitality of his Cuban heritage with the complexities of bebop, invoking the spirit of Gillespie's pioneering 1947 big-band efforts. It's in sharpest relief on the masterful take of Tadd Dameron's bop classic "Hot House," but the rhythms are churning and the brass are wailing elsewhere as well, as "Sandunga" and "Tito," named for the presence of timbales great Tito Puente. --Stuart Broomer
長男'sレビュー ★★★★☆
なぜこんなにジャズって素敵なんでしょう ★★★★★
Artuuuuuuuuuuuro ★★★★★
Arturo SandovalのCDの中でも特に気に入ってる一枚です。1999年の第41回グラミー賞でベスト・ラテン・ジャズ・パフォーマンスを受賞しています。日本でも人気の高いテナーサックス奏者Michael Breckerも参加しており、Sandovalとともに良い意味で攻撃的なアドリブを披露しています。全体を通してラテン色の強いものが多いですが、その中でも2曲目のRyhthm Of Our Worldはかなりいけてます。基本的にはかなり期待して聞けます。