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A Storm of Swords: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book Three

価格: ¥1,101
カテゴリ: マスマーケット
ブランド: Bantam
壮大なファンタジー ★★★★★
Lord of the ringsは非常にスケールの大きいファンタジーだが、本シリーズはそれを超えるスケールの大きさだ。登場人物の多彩で各々が運命に翻弄されていく姿は歴史書を読むような深みがある。ファンタジーといっても決して心が躍るような楽しい世界を期待してはいけない。ここに描かれた神、人間の何れも厳しい運命に耐えて生きている。しかし一度読み出したら終わらないことは請け合いなので是非読んでほしい。次の巻が待ち遠しくて仕方がない。
a great book ★★★★★
Has our beloved author of The Hobbit, The COMPLETE Lord of the rings series (There are 7 in case you didn't know I've only got the triology), been reborn better than ever?? I have just finished this book. I find it hard to believe that people who only read the first did not want to continue with the series. Yes the first was a little borring compared to this, but we have reached the climax of the series. I believe that we are in for a lot of suprises (think back to the Epilouge with the 'silent women'). If you have not read the entire series, STOP!!!!! Start from the beginning. You will miss a lot of important elements. If you have not yet begun the book, go get the first and second ones: A Game of Throwns and A Clash of Kings. It will make for easier reading and giving you facts that you must know before continuing. I must admit when I first got the first book, I did not expect this character point of view repeated through out the book, but now, I actually like reading like this, it makes it more interesting.

RECOMENDED: THe Price of Immortality by C.M. Whitlock is one of the best books I have ever read. It is a must read for any fantasy fan

面白すぎて失神寸前 ★★★★★
ハードカバーは高いし重いので Amazon.UKで少し大き目のトレードペーパーバックを購入しましたが、それでも本が到着したときは「ひええ、これを通勤電車の中で読むのか…」と青くなりました。分厚い。しかし、読み終わった今となってはもっともっと話が長ければ良かったと願っています。 あまりにも凄い展開で、何度も本を壁に向かって投げつけたくなったこともしばしば。第一作目の「A Game Of Thrones」で、ただの歴史ファンタジーというカテゴリーに入れてはいけない世界に触れてから もう嵐のごとくシリーズ3作を読みましたが、残りの3作をあと何年たてば読めるのか… この苦しみは拷問に近いです。 G.R.R.Martinの本は 大変良く出来た吸血鬼ドラマの「フィヴァードリーム」(邦訳有り)しか読んだ事がありませんでしたが、今はもう私のベスト5に入る作家となっています。 とにかく、面白すぎる。 皆さんも是非読んでください。 想像を絶する世界があなたを待っています。
another epic from the leading fantasy author ★★★★★
with an even more-action filled storyline and with additional and returning characters "A STORM OF SWORDS" is the best fantasy I've had the chance to read for years. I came across the first book in the series by chance but since then it's been a constant agony for me to wait for the sequels. The third book speeds up the story with the deaths of several of the main characters and narrows down the possibilities for the ending but in the same time the introduction of new players and factors complicates the remaining storylines to a point where I felt the need to go back a couple of pages sometimes just to make sure I understood it completely. Don't take me wrong; this doesn't mean that the book is incomprehensible, quite to the contrary it makes it makes it more grandiose than you'd have believed it possible. So to summarize it up, this is the book that makes you believe even the impossible.
