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COSPLAY made in Japan

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: コスプレイ製作委員会合同会社

『sweet joshi』『bon bon lolita』と2連発のヒットを飛ばし、未だ写真集部門で上位に君臨する異端児作家「須崎祐次」が、長き14年のプロジェクトをついに一冊の写真集『Cosplay made in Japan』として発表。4年前にはiPhoneアプリとして伝説のヒットアプリとなるものの、グラビア粛正の嵐で幻のアプリとなった今、改めて書籍の形で世界に問う、日本発のコスプレビジュアル作品集。いわゆるのコスプレイヤーの写真ではない、作家の妄想世界を自らデザインし、オートクチュールとして一点物の衣装を作り上げた上、妄想コスプレを身に纏ったモデルやアイドル達が演じ、そして撮られた作品群。コンテンポラリーアートとも言えるし、ただのエロカワイイ写真とも言えるし、究極の作家による妄想世界とも言える。巻末には、ファッション哲学者 鷲田清一氏による解説掲載。

When I saw cosplayers for the first time, 14 years ago, I thought they were marvelous as well as somewhat pensive.While they looked amazing, they retained a sense of mystery within this underground culture. They were unique and charming. They longed to be somebody else other than themselves. In them, I found the teenager within myself. When I was younger, I always earnest in my endeavors to do something different. Although I was an unstable, immature, and clumsy boy, I was full of energy. I could not cope with being deeply absorbed in doing various mundane things. I was obsessed with the idea of changing and transforming myself. My book is a reconstruction and visualization of my inner world employing “cosplay” as a method, focusing on my adolescent years during the 1970’s. The cosplay displayed in my book doesn’t reference other animated or literary works as cosplay is known to do. I hope my work reflects an adventurous spirit that I acquired in my youth.