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We've Got To Stop That Alien! (Ages 7-10)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
Ben and Hannah wake up to find their room is a rubbish dump, but they didn't make the mess, it was the alien!

He is unstoppable. With a single click of his two webbed fingers the alien can teleport away and with the press of a button his spaceship can go invisible.

Mum doesn't believe the alien exists, she thinks Ben and Hannah are making up stories and bans them from the TV!

The alien keeps coming back and Mum still thinks the children are telling fibs. Next, she'll ban Ben and Hannah from the INTERNET!

The kids have had enough. "WE'VE GOT TO STOP THAT ALIEN!"

But how do you stop a super, advanced, intelligent alien and why does he keep on messing up their room? 

Ages 7-10, around 4,000 words with illustrations.