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カラー版 英語でつくる和食―寿し、天ぷら、豆腐料理…日本の代表料理からマナーまで

価格: ¥1,943
カテゴリ: 単行本
ブランド: ナツメ社
【セブン-イレブンで24時間受取りOK・送料0円!】 著者/訳者名:藤田裕子/編著 ナヴィインターナショナル/編著 出版社名:ナツメ社 発行年月:2004年03月 関連キーワード:エイゴ デ ツクル ワシヨク カラーバン スシ テンプラ トウフ リヨウリ ニホン ノ ダイヒヨウ リヨウリ カラ マナー マデ えいご で つくる わしよく からーばん すし てんぷら とうふ りようり にほん の だいひよう りようり から まなー まで、 ナツメシヤ ナツメシヤ 5619 なつめしや なつめしや 5619、 ナツメシヤ ナツメシヤ 5619 なつめしや なつめしや 5619 本書では寿しや天ぷらといった海外でもよく知られる代表的な日本料理はもちろんのこと、みそ汁、煮もの、丼もの、鍋料理など、基本的な料理から本格的な料理まで数多く紹介しているだけでなく、和食をいただく際の基本的なマナーや料理を美味しく見せるための盛りつけ方のコツなども紹介している。また、すべてのレシピは日本語と英語で紹介
お気に入りの本 ★★★★★
ホームステイ先へのプレゼント ★★★★☆
The English is awful ★★☆☆☆
I guess this review is for any foreigners who think about buying this book, or if you're thinking about buying this book for a foreigner.

The content of the book is fine. It has a motley collection of basic recipes, nothing fancy, but good basics; the stuff kids learn in Home Ec. As a Japanese cookbook I'm sure it would be just fine. The problem is the translation. The English is clumsy at best, vague, confusing, or silly at worst. Example sentence from the introduction of winter cuisine: "It may be no exaggeration to say snowy views that cover everything with white are representative for a splendor of winter." These "literary" sections are painful to read, but they're not really essential to the book. It's much worse when the actual recipes are unclear. For example: "Strain the potato while hot." (What they meant: "Mash the sweet potatoes through a strainer so as to remove all the stringy pieces.") Or "Peel the carrot and cut into 1.2in bar rectangles." (What is a "bar rectangle?" What they meant: "cut into thin rectangular strips 3cm long.")They obviously never asked someone to try to cook with the English half of the book. The measurements are clumsily translated as well. The authors directly converted everything into inches and US cups which means they end up with some indecipherable figures. Can you eye two-fifths of a cup? And what does it mean to cut something "into thin pieces of about one-twelfth inch thickness." (Oh. You meant 2mm.)

The "index" is unhelpful: recipes are indexed only by the first letter of their name. If you are looking for a dish that uses "giant white radish" (I think most people just say "daikon," but I could be wrong) the only thing the index gives you is "Giant White Radish and Abura-Age" when there are actually at ten dishes with daikon in them. Plus, parts of the book other than the recipes are not indexes at all. I remembered that the flavor of daikon changes as you go from top to bottom, but, because the helpful little side-columns are not indexed, I had to look through the whole book to find "Tips for Cooking Giant White Radish." (The tip was helpful, though.)

Finally, there is very little by way of explanation. You often don't know why certain steps are necessary and what they add to a dish. You feel like you are doing them just because the book says to do them, and with a book that often sounds silly it's hard to trust the author's judgement.

The end result is a cookbook with a number of good tips things that you wouldn't know if you didn't grow up in Japan but one that leaves you feeling slightly dumber for having used it.
いいんじゃないでしょうか ★★★★★
単なる料理本というレベルではない本 ★★★★★


商品に匂いがあったのが残念でした。レシ… ★★★☆☆
商品に匂いがあったのが残念でした。 レシピ本だったので。