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Less Stress In 10 Easy Steps How to Quit Worrying and Be Happy

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
Reading this book could actually save your life. How you ask?
Many people think that being stressed is an inevitable part of life and a requirement for professional success. That belief could not be further from the truth. In fact, would anyone really consider a stressful life truly successful? As you read this book you’ll learn what stress is, why it is dangerous and why reducing stress is so important. (it’s not what you think)

Learning how to manage stress will help you:

Improve your sleep habits and wake up refreshed
Improve Your health and feel younger
Easily reach and maintain your target weight
Relieve headaches, neck and back pain
Improve relationships and enjoy time spent with family and friends
Become more focused and productive in everything you do

Many health problems can be attributed to prolonged and unrelieved stress. Our bodies are wired to respond to the stress of dangerous situations in a specific way. Unfortunately the response is the same for both real and perceived dangers. Some of the health concerns that can develop are:

Coronary disease
Sleep disorders
Digestive health issues
Emotional disorders including Depression and anxiety attacks
Obesity and uncontrolled weight loss
Cognitive and Memory failures
Variety of skin problems

These are just a few reasons to investigate how you can lead as stress free life as possible. Even if you think you are not overly stressed you could be. In fact it’s possible that most people are under more stress than they need to be simply because they don’t know the warning signs.
Don’t worry though we’ll cover all the warning signs and give you the tools to help relieve any stress that may come your way. First though, let’s learn more about how our mind and body was designed to deal with real stress.