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Lily's Wand

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
When Lily’s mum takes her to yet another dreaded car boot sale, Lily thinks she is in for the usual boring Sunday. But she couldn’t be more wrong as she is given a wooden wand by a mysterious old lady and a message that she can’t quite believe.

At first, Lily doesn’t know how to use the wand and the old lady’s gift lies forgotten in a box under Lily’s bed. Until, that is, the summer holidays arrive and bring her wilful cousin, Harriet, to stay. That’s when the wand is remembered and the chaos really starts. Soon, Lily and Harriet find themselves trapped and in danger and it seems that the wand is the only thing that can save them…


Summer Hopkiss lives in a top secret location somewhere in the heart of England with her two funny children and shared ownership of a fluffy poodle. She spends her time writing stories and eating Kit Kats, and occasionally writing stories about eating Kit Kats. Nothing makes her glow quite like the thought of sharing them (the stories, that is. She never shares Kit Kats).


The Skeleton Tower
What is the terrifying secret that lurks in the tower of Grovely Road Junior School? Why does every child in class Five Oak quake with fear when their teacher, the nasty Mr Bratwurst, shakes the keys to the tower door? Just what does Mrs Peabody, the school cook, do to the food to make it so utterly dreadful?
When new girl, Suzette Smith, gets herself into trouble with Mr Bratwurst, she is sent straight up to the mysterious tower. But things are not always as they seem, and soon Suzette is on a mission to free the creature that lurks in the dusty room at the top, a mission that ends up involving the entire school. Utter chaos ensues, with fainting headmasters and vomiting fathers galore. Can Suzette calm everything down in time to save the day?