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Dinosaurs Picture Book For Kids: Prehistoric Creatures from Long Ago

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
Being totally in love with all animals in general and with pre-historic creatures like dinosaurs in particular, Maya Lee Shye has just created a picture book that she intended for children of all ages but especially for middle schoolers who are between 7 and 12 and who enjoy reading on their own.  Having said that, this book will also entertain younger children who require adults to read to them while they view the wonderful pictures.  Yes, "The Dinosaurs - A Picture Book for Kids: Prehistoric Creatures from Long Ago" is Ms. Shye's labor of love which will surely be appreciated and enjoyed by the very young as well as by those who are older yet still young at heart.

Because "The Dinosaurs - A Picture Book for Kids: Prehistoric Creatures from Long Ago" is Maya Lee Shye's first publication in this magical category of books, she decided to make this a rather general presentation of amazing dinosaurs of years long gone by.  They may have been extinct for hundreds of millions of years but Ms. Shye has skillfully brought them back to life in an exceptionally well organized text.  This book is filled with vividly colorful pictures that are accompanied by narratives explanations that are concise and very easy to understand while also being laced with captivating descriptions that have the power to ignite the imagination of anyone who is fortunate enough to behold them.

Leafing through this wonderful little book, readers will be instantly transported to those fairy-tale days of much earlier eras when dinosaurs, large and small, still thrived on Planet Earth.  Here is the content that will be found between the covers of "The Dinosaurs - A Picture Book for Kids: Prehistoric Creatures from Long Ago":

*    What Are Dinosaurs

*    Where Did Dinosaurs Come From

*    Different Types of Dinosaurs

-    Sauropods - The Largest Dinosaurs
-    Microraptors - The Smallest Dinosarus
-    Herbivorous Dinosaurs At Plants
-    Carnivorous Dinosaurs Ate Meat
-    Omnivorous Dinosaurs Ate Everything
-    Bipedal Dinosaurs
-    Quadrupedal Dinosaurs
-    Avian Dinosaurs
-    Non-Avian Dinosaurs with Feathers
-    Ceratopsian Dinosaurs
-    Armored Thyreophora Dinosaurs

*    Dinosaur Defense Systems

*    Did Dinosaurs Really Exist

*    The Secrets Fossils Tells Us

*    Dinosaur Anatomy

-    Body Skeleton

*    Author's Final Statement

In short, Maya Lee Shye's "The Dinosaurs - A Picture Book for Kids: Prehistoric Creatures from Long Ago" is a wonderful introductory text about the world's most remarkable creatures known as dinosaurs.