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The Big Book of Clean Jokes for Kids - Funny Short Jokes for Kids (Adam's Hilarious Joke Books)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
'The Big Book of Clean Jokes for Kids - Funny Short Jokes for Kids' (from Adam's Hilarious Joke Books) contains short and funny clean jokes that you can share with kids.

Jokes are a great way to have fun with your kids. Instead of watching TV or playing video games, you can spend some quality time together and have a ton of laughs.

'The Big Book of Clean Jokes for Kids - Funny Short Jokes for Kids' will helps relieve that stress of your kids from their workload in school. The jokes will lighten their mood and help cheer them up.

Some fun jokes from 'The Big Book of Clean Jokes for Kids - Funny Short Jokes for Kids' :

My 16 year old son was getting his permit, so I kept telling him, "remember, when you get into your car with friends do not start driving until everyone is strapped in."

He kept on asking me to repeat it, so finally I asked him, " why do you need it repeated so many times?" "Don't worry" he replied, "I just love hearing the words 'your car'!"
Q: What do you call a sleeping bull?
A: A bulldozer!
Q: What goes tick-tock, woof-woof?
A: A watchdog!
My son came home from school one day with a note that said he was given detention. So I asked him, "What happened, son?"

He replied, "I was punished for something I didn't do!!"

"Okay" I said. "I will have to talk to the teacher, but, by the way, what was it that you didn't do?"

He looked at me and said, "Oh! Homework!"