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A Complete Introduction To Stars (An Introduction To Stars)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
A Complete Introduction to Stars provides a definitive explanation to the nature stars, planets and the Galaxy. Containing dozens of the best photographs and illustrations and clear, concise explanations with them, this book is ideal for those who wish to immerse themselves in the cosmos and discover its mysteries for themselves.

Note that this book contains all of the information included in the early “An Introduction to Stars” books, and vastly more on top.

This book is divided into the following sections:

The Nature of Stars: A description of what stars are, and how we locate, identify and catalogue them.

Light, energy and radiation: The electromagnetic spectrum; how size, temperature, age and composition are derived from starlight alone.

Organization of the Galaxy: The distribution of material in the Galaxy; the orbits of the stars, eccentric comets, dark matter, and Kepler's laws.

Atoms/Spectra: The Structure of the Atom; electron orbits and energy levels, radioactivity; spectral lines - emission and absorption spectra and fluorescence.

A Deeper look into the Void: Stars of different spectral types, and their locations on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.

The Formation and Evolution of Stars: The different stages of a star's life: brown dwarfs, red giants, neutron stars, black holes and supernovae.

Supernovae: A detailed look at the biggest and brightest explosions in the Universe.

Molecular Clouds: The birth centres of stars, stellar clusters and nebulae, with some excellent pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope.

Understanding the structure of the Galaxy: A deeper look at the Milky Way; how we know its size and shape, the formation of the spiral arms; galaxy classification, and Hubble's Tuning Fork.

The Sun: Phenomena both astrophysical and visible, sunspots and solar flares and the effects they have on Earth; spectacular views from spacecraft.

Exploring the Solar System - The Children of the Sun: The origin of the Solar System, and the worlds that accompany the Sun.

The Discovery of Exoplanets: The bizarre planets that circle other stars and how they are detected; a look at those that orbit many times a day, others once a millennia, some planets as light as polystyrene, and where do planets end and stars begin?

Developments in Astronomy and Future Conquests: A brief history of astronomy, from before the invention of the telescope to the spacecraft that roam the Solar System today; advice on how budding astronomers can join the search for other worlds.