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Crush It! A Google Intern’s Guide on How to Get Your Dream Internship (Personal MBA Series)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Qikest, A Gyantra Imprint

I interned at Google and Orbitz and in this book, I show you the secrets of getting that dream internship.

Starting college as a freshman three years ago was exciting and new. There were so many great opportunities waiting for me. Then I started hearing stuff like career planning, resume, jobs, internships, and interviews. It got to be overwhelming! I didn't have anyone to turn to in my field to help me out. Even worse, the job market for fresh graduated like us was perhaps at its worst in decades. I knew that if I wanted a strong career, I needed to start getting down to business and searching for an internship. I realized internships can be the bridge to getting from college to career.

I was lucky to get two really great internships at Orbitz and Google. But I also saw a lot of friends and classmates struggle to get even one decent internship. As I analyzed my own approach and others’ I realized a big difference – I wasn’t that lucky after all. I had actually put a lot of thought and effort into getting my dream internship. That is when I decided to share it with others who can benefit from what did and learned along the way.

Internships have always played a big role in helping new college graduates in getting from college to career. It’s also true that good internships are hard to come by these days. But there are enough of them waiting for you, if you are focused and ready to work towards it. I am going to show you how to do it. I must warn you that while I show you the process, the only person who can actually help you actually do it is You. If you are prepared to put in the effort, the secrets I share in this book will definitely help you find your dream internship.

I hope you find this book helpful and wish you the very best in your internship search.

Nuggets are best read in Landscape Orientation

This is a nugget or a book that is small in size and high in value. If you are the kind that measures the value of a book by the number of minutes it takes to read it (i.e., the longer the book the more satisfied you are) or the number of pages it has, then STOP. This is not for you.

Nuggets, by definition are for right-brained people that do not like or hate or do not have time to read lengthy books with lots of text. They want to read a nugget in a few minutes and get huge value by:

  • Applying what they learnt from a nugget in just a few minutes. Its only the application that generates value, not the mere reading of it.

  • Being entertained for a few minutes and then it was done. Its brevity is its virtue.

Download this book now and start working towards your dream internship