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The Science To Success (The Success Series)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: C.J Williams

When I first decided to write this book, its sole purpose was to give people down on their luck inspiration, a motivational therapy within about fifty pages. As I studied deeper into this subject I realised that there are Keys and formulas to success that we all put into practice without even realising it in our everyday lives, it even without realising it. Within this book I will be discussing how to use the keys and formulas you already use but channelling it a different way. The foundations are there I am just going to teach you how to lay the bricks. I am not a millionaire Guru who is looking to cash in on self-help nor am I the most successful person on the planet earth, but I have come across a few methods that lead to a build-up of success in everyday life. When I say success I mean not just financially, this is a common misconception of success. What is the point of being financially successful if you are a terrible husband and father who has a gambling addiction? I know that this is not always the case but I would rather concentrate in what makes a successful life….Completeness of one’s spirit and mind.
Of course financial success is part of it as money is such a big topic in are everyday life and it has the power to dictate a lot of things to us such as,
• Where we live
• Where our children grow up, go to school etc.
• How we spend our downtime
• Christmas budget
• The Car we drive
• The Food we eat
• Our health (The difference in care we receive)
• The clothes we wear
• The house we live in
• The vacations we have

• As you can see, money is not the be all and end all but the amount we have does dictate the quality of life that we live. Sometimes when I look at this list and think of the many other things that can be added onto it overwhelms me. Nevertheless, have no fear of this it’s all part of the learning process and giving you the fuel you need to succeed. But let’s put money out of our minds for a minute and realise that we need a full circle of completeness to really succeed. When I say really succeed I mean succeeding financially and in the things that money just can’t buy such as

• Family

• Love

• Healthy mind and body

• Spirituality

• Life

• Children (Good relationships with your children)

• Happiness (Oh yes, believe it or not a lot of people with money are not happy because they do not have the full circle of completeness active in their lives).

• Peace (If money could buy peace we would be living in a utopian society with the amount of it we have of it on earth).

• Faith

• Desire

As you can see from the above lists of what money can buy and what money cannot buy. You can see that there is near enough a healthy balance on both sides. You can notice also that they can cross-reference a lot. What I mean by this is that Money can make the things that money cannot buy better. An example of this would be bringing your beautiful family to an expensive holiday resort in Cancun and because of these creating great memories. However, what most people struggle with is the balance or complete circle. You can have all the money in the world but never be there for your children when they need it. I am not writing this from a place of perfection, the truth is nothing is perfect and my life is far from perfect.
I think it is about time I introduced myself my name is Chris Williams as I said before I am not a millionaire, but I do believe that by making certain changes in one’s life you can and will achieve your dreams.