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Memory Improvement Guide : Learn To Trigger Photographic Memory And Remember Everything Memory Improvement Techniques And Tips To Start Using In Days

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版

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Here's what readers are saying about this Memory Improvement Guide:

"Reading this book has been a great help for me, especially when I'm studying for my finals. It has a lot of helpful tips on how I can improve my memory and critical thinking." -- Frank D

"Abel Jones has written a clear, concise book on memory techniques. Long ago my father taught me a few memory techniques, but I've forgotten them! This book taught me about grouping which I knew nothing about. It also has an excellent approach to other techniques."   -- M. Schramski

"I tend to forget things right after I learn them and I end up just having to barely pass my exams just because of it. This book has improved that and I can remember more easily than when I did before. This book really does give you memory improvement and it doesn't exaggerate on its claim." -- Brad Hines

The memory is a very fascinating topic. There are a number of ways in which we can improve our memory so that we can recall the entire spectrum of our lives; our job, the routes we take to get to our different journeys, the names of the people around us, what we are studying in school, telephone numbers; information that is important to us both for the short term as well as for the long term. There is a term that is used for memory tool that is known as mnemonics which is a tool that we use in assisting us to recollect information that would not otherwise stick in our memory. With mnemonics we use association, imagination and location for mnemonics to operate properly. As it relates to association, this is to tool that we use to make the link between the things that are necessary for you to recall and also figuring a way in which to remember it.

About the Author:

Abel Jones has always been fascinated with how the mind works; particularly with how we are able to commit information to memory and how some things we cannot remember unless we do some fancy mental work so as to make the information stick in our mind. He was a very imaginative and creative child he therefore always found different ways in which to make up little jingles so as to remember what he needed to. He spent most of his teenage years trying find out the easiest ways in which to remember his school work as he found school to be very boring. He discovered that if he used visuals that he tended to recall this more easily and therefore he used his imagination and his visual ability to make things stick in his mind and to remember them readily to help him to not just tolerate high school but to do very well.