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HC-SR04 超音波距離センサーモジュール For Arduino

価格: ¥170
カテゴリ: Wireless Phone Accessory
ブランド: SainSmart
測定結果から距離への換算は、つぎのように計算します(単位ミリ)。 距離=(ECHOがHIGHの時間 X 340)/2;
電源:5VDC 待機時消費電流:<2mA 有効な角度:<15° 測定可能距離:2cm~400cm 分解能:0.3cm
There are 4 pins out of the module : VCC , Trig, Echo, GND .So it's a very easy interface for controller to use it ranging.The all process is : pull the Trig pin to high level for more than 10us impulse , the module start ranging ; finish ranging , If you find an object in front , Echo pin will be high level , and based on the different distance,it will take the different duration of high level.So we can calculated the distance easily :Distance = ((Duration of high level)*(Sonic :340m/s))/2