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ゴジラエッグ ゴジラ2014

価格: ¥1,080
カテゴリ: おもちゃ&ホビー
ブランド: バンダイ(BANDAI)
対象性別 :男の子
対象年齢 :3歳から
TM&TOHO CO.,LTD. (C)Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (C)Legendary All Rights Reserved. GODZILLA and character design are trademarks of Toho Co.,Ltd. (C)2014 Toho Co.,Ltd..
Target Gender: Boys;From 3 years of age: Age;TM & TOHO CO., LTD. (C) Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (C) Legendary All Rights Reserved. GODZILLA and character design are trademarks of Toho Co., Ltd. (C) 2014 Toho Co., Ltd ..;detailed paint;A highly-detailed and accurate reproduction