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The Secret [UK版]

価格: ¥1,950
カテゴリ: ハードカバー
ブランド: Simon & Schuster Ltd
かつては、みずからの持つ力の秘訣を人に教えたがらないエリートだけが知っていたもの――望みのものをすべて手に入れるための「秘密」が、著名な物理学者で著述家、哲学者でもある著者により、普遍的な「引力の法則」として、いま明かされる。さらに喜ばしいことに、その力を利用すれば、だれでも健康や富、幸福を引き寄せることができるのだ。本書『The Secret』で明かされる秘密の断片は、何世紀にもわたる言い伝えや文学、宗教、哲学のなかに見いだされるもの。その力を発見した数々の偉人たちが、歴史上もっとも傑出した人物として名を上げている。たとえば、プラトン、ダ・ヴィンチ、ガリレオ、それにアインシュタイン。そしていま、その「秘密」が世界に向けて開かれつつある。美しいまでにシンプルで、驚くほど役に立つ本書『The Secret』は、あらゆる人のなかに隠された潜在能力の神秘を明かしている。圧倒的な魅力を持ち、日常の生活にも役立つ本書の秘密は、最新の科学的知見を太古の英知や精神性と結び付けることで、自分自身の力をもっと上手に掌握する方法を読者に教えてくれるはずだ。
How incredible this book is ! ★★★★★
The Secret changed my way of thinking and life itself.
When first I read the book, I could not almost understand what this book explains and the power of the law of attraction that is the key to this great book.
But I read the one over and over again and understand the law of attraction in action in every aspect of our life.
If you read this book and use the power, your life will be changed and you will be happier than now without doubt. I guarantee as a living witness.

You are also highly recommended to read books written by great characters in this book such as Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and Joe Vitale to help you more understand the law of attraction.
何故こんなものが ★☆☆☆☆
little religious and spiritual.. ★★★★☆
Before “The Secret” the based principle of this book has been already
there as a lot of self-help books at bookstores. The idea has been said
as “Law of Success” by modern self-help books' authors or “Like
draws to like” by our ancestors. “The Secret” can be an opportunity
for some people to learn self-helping but sad to say this is constantly
religious and spiritual so some may back away from this sort of
things by those reasons.

Well, but the more I interpret another related books, the more
similarities which has been keep mentioned to us by our elders and
betters come up to my mind. For example, why does Jesus Christ say
do not afraid so many times in Bible? Why monks in temples tell us do
not hate people and thank them? Sometimes people can learn something
from another things. For those who are looking for better life or
interested in this, I surely suggest this book to you.
単純な真理だが、恐ろしいほど心に響く ★★★★★
気分が良くなり英語もブラッシュアップ ★★★★★