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Gray Wolf Security 1 (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
Enjoy all 5 PRIVATE SECURITY ROMANCE books. No cliffhangers.
More than 1,000 pages :)

He killed my brother. He didn’t wield the rock that destroyed a promising
life, the life of a future doctor, but he killed him just the same. He
should have been there that night, should have protected Joshua from the
wrath of bullies that he’d pulled down on us all. But he wasn’t. And Joshua
died. Now my dad expects me to sit back and let this man protect me? Was he
insane? I don’t care how wonderful Gray Wolf Security is. I wasn’t about to
give up my freedom, my privacy, and allow Donovan Pritchard to follow me
around for the unforeseeable future.

My life ended the night my father won a place in the US Congress. Not
because he won the election, but because he died when I lost control of the
car he, my mother, and I were riding in. My parents both died and I was
left paralyzed from the upper thighs down. There’s an operation that could
fix my legs, but maybe I don’t deserve a second chance. After all, my
parents didn’t get one. But then a woman walks into my life…it’s always a
woman, right? We’re both broken, but maybe together we can find a way to
fix what no longer works.

She doesn’t talk. How the hell am I supposed to trust the life of my child
to a woman who won’t talk? It’s not a physical thing, it’s emotional. I’m
paying thousands of dollars to Gray Wolf Security to protect my child from
potential kidnappers, and they give me this emotionally broken woman who
won’t speak. Not only that, but she’s so tiny she couldn’t hurt a fly.
Well, okay, so she knocked me to the ground. But I’m not a drug lord with a
loaded pistol pointed at an innocent child. Just because she’s beautiful
and she has these curves that I can’t seem to get out of my mind doesn’t
mean that I’m okay with this situation.

Hypocrisy drives me up a wall, yet I’m probably the biggest hypocrite to
ever live. I own one of the leading pornography websites in the country,
maybe even the world.But I grew up in a conservative, religious household
and getting my mom’s voice out of the back of my head is almost impossible.
Until I lay eyes on Kirkland Parish. An operative for Gray Wolf Security,
Kirkland is supposed to be my guardian, my shield between my quiet world
and the threats that have promised my impeding death.

Three years ago, the love of my life disappeared. I never believed she was
dead even though the government tried to convince me she was. I would never
give up on her no matter what anyone told me. But I did get a little
distracted by Mina Kaufman, a stranger who gave birth in the back of my
SUV, delivering a perfect baby boy into my hands. How was I supposed to
turn my back on them? Mina and her son brought me out of the limbo my life
had descended into. And how was I supposed to know that she was lying to