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LIVING PHOTO 4 Understanding LIVING PHOTO: How to Shoot Happiness & Appreciation

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: LIVING PHOTO associates
幸せな時間を撮り、感謝を伝える 美しい花や、美味しい食べ物をどうしたら撮れるのか。
私はそのような写真にLIVING PHOTOと名付ました。
幸せと感謝を一緒に伝えたいという願いを込めて、 美しい写真のためのレンズ選びや光のとらえ方など、

LIVING PHOTO Happiness & Appreciation
How can we portray the beautiful flowers and delicious food through photography?
My passion for photography is not only documenting what’s on a table, but also witnessing beautiful moments.
I wish to interpret my appreciation of these beautiful moments through the photography.
I named my style of photography ‘Living Photo’ and give lessons in small groups almost every single day.
I teach them just like giving tips on how to cook, so that women who are not familiar with
technical terms can also enjoy it as well.
Photography is beyond being hobby for fun, it is an important way to express your life,
sense of beauty and philosophy.
We want to deliver these beautiful moments with dreams and love with appreciation, just because it’s such a precious moments.
I will give 5 important tips for a ‘Living Photo’ on the secrets of lightning and lenses, so together we can deliver happiness and appreciations.