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Cinderella's Lawman (The Strasburg Chronicles Book 3) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Blushing Books

Feisty little schoolteacher, Cinderella Barton, is quite tired of Deputy Henson Andrews telling her what to do. She came to Strasburg to take her first teaching position, and he begins lecturing her the first week, despite her efforts to ignore him. She moves from one boarding home to another, and at the end of the school year, she is forced to move into "Lady Angelica's Home Away from Home for Ladies" in the middle of the night for safety. Once there, she finally feels safe for the first time in months.

Henson becomes more and more determined that she will not ignore him any longer, especially when it comes to his efforts to keep her safe. It irritates him no end when she manages to put herself in harm’s way. When she completely disregards his orders – with a bear in the area – and someone shoots at her through the window of the schoolroom after he ordered to stay away from it, his patience runs out. He finally decides to take her firmly in hand – and marry her – if he has to!

When one shooting becomes two and a kidnapping follows, Henson becomes even more determined to find out who was behind it. The main problem, however, is keeping his beautiful little wife obedient and safe. Keeping her safe – he is trying his best… but keeping her obedient? Henson begins to wonder just how many trips Cinderella will have to take across his knee before he will accomplish that task.

Publisher's Note: This book contains mild sexual scenes and the discipline of an adult woman. Please do not purchase Cinderella's Lawman if this offends you.