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価格: ¥1,767
カテゴリ: CD
ブランド: White Swan
Chant is a new marketing niche in the alternative music scene, and swings from albums of straight recitations to a glut of electronica mantra CDs. A group like Rasa turns chants into cinematic excursions. Singer Donna DeLory recasts chants as pop hooks and Krishna Das growls them into guttural ruminations. But the German singer Deva Premal was doing the mantra thing long before it became a commercialized trend.

On Dakshina, Premal, along with her partner, guitarist Miten, converts chants into serene, almost easy-listening refrains. Premal has a warm alto that she deploys on rhythm-free chorales of Enyaesque vocal layers to downtempo, world-beat grooves. With her chants harmonized and repeated into infinity, the effect can be like an ocean surface. It's constantly flowing and in motion, but doesn't have a lot of focus. But on songs like "Guru Rinpoche Mantra" or "Homage to Krishna," a wave rises and carries you down its face in a slo-mo free fall. Premal keeps it mostly acoustic, filling in ornamental lines with acoustic guitar, tamboura, and bansuri flutes. Only the orchestral strings occasionally get in the way. Her previous albums have often been sappy in their new age aspirations, but on Dakshina, she's more naked, stripping her sound down to a deeper emotional core. --John Diliberto

これ以上の癒し音楽はない! ★★★★★
Setting us free of all unnecessary baggage ★★★★★
deva premal and Mitem have been around for quite some time and have become household staples. Mantras have been around for millennia and also a part of life for many.

I have several deva premal albums so I am familiar with her style and voice. I bought this album for the second track “Om Namah Shivaya.” I have several other renditions from professionals and armatures but none have that deva quality.

I received an added plus with track number seven “Homage to Krishna”; this has traditional sound and cold make excellent background music to many movies.

In the long run after a long day’s work and a long drive home it is nice to gear down and either verge-out or take time to contemplate the ethereal. And who better to take you there than deva premal?
弁財天好きにはお勧めマントラソング☆ ★★★★☆
どのCDでも 素晴らしい歌声でマントラを奏でるディーヴァ『プレマール』♪
今回のCDは とにかく演奏の音質も良くて プレマールの美しい声がかな~り引き立っています。そして芸術の神 弁財天の名前が出てきて、それがはっきり聞き取れます♪一度聞いたら くちづさむこと間違いなしです☆サラスワティーが出てくるマントラって珍しいですよね?