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Savage Locke (Locke Brothers, 2) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版

They say us Locke brothers are savage and that we’ll take care of any motherfucker who steps out of line without even batting an eye.
They’re right as shit.
The last thing you want to do is get on the bad side of a Locke.
There’s no fucks given when it comes to protecting the people we care about. We’ll fight to the motherfucking death if it comes down to it.
So when Wynter shows up on our property with a busted up face, looking for protection, you better believe that’s what she’ll get.
It may have been three years since I’ve seen her, but I instantly feel the need to protect her. It consumes me, turning me into a monster that even the devil himself doesn’t want to fuck with.
I know she’s here because she’s certain I’ll go to great lengths to protect her, but I’m going to show her that she’s gonna want me for a hell of a lot more than just that.
I can take care of her, not just making sure she’s protected, but by showing her with my body how good I can make her feel.
I’m going to show her that sometimes savage… can be good.


I don’t know what I was thinking when I showed up at Sterling’s house. I guess knowing that only he could protect me made me do this pretty stupid thing.
The Locke brothers are dangerous, and have been since long before I really knew them.
Coming here beaten won’t just humiliate me and make me feel weak, but I know it will get the Locke’s worked up. And hurting the person who did this to me runs strong in my veins.
But maybe that’s the reason I came here… because I knew they’d help me no matter what.
All it takes is one look at Sterling for me to realize my feelings for him are still there… and strong as hell. I want to hold onto these emotions because after what I’ve gone through they make me feel safe, protected, and like nothing can touch me.
Sterling makes me feel like all of that and more. I want to be his and this time, the dark rumors around town, won’t keep me from letting that happen.

WARNING: Savage Locke is a short co-written, kind of twisted love story from NYT Bestselling Author Victoria Ashley and USA Today Bestselling Author Jenika Snow. If you like it hot and a little rough... this is the book for you. 18+