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fubovd指Monkey fingerlingsペット電子Little Baby Monkey子供キッズおもちゃホット

価格: ¥31,611
カテゴリ: おもちゃ&ホビー
ブランド: Fingerlings
Bella is my name and I express how I feel with cute monkey babble! Bella is a pink monkey with soft yellow hair who loves holding onto your finger and knows when she is being pet talked to and even hung upside down! Fingerlings are adorable baby monkeys that are curious about the world around them窶敗tarting with you! These interactive pets love to hang onto your finger blink their eyes turn their heads blow kisses swing by their tails and talk in monkey babble! They come in a variety of colours including white black pink purple blue and turquoise. Adopt them all and have even more fun monkeying around!and turquoise. Clap your hands twice and your Fingerlings will sing together - Collect them all!