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Drive Your Destiny: Create a Vision for Your Life, Build Better Habits for Wealth and Health, and Unlock Your Inner Greatness (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版

Feel dissatisfied with your current path in life? Does your destiny seem like some mundane existence governed by circumstances beyond your control? Want to be the master of your own life but not sure where to start?

As you will see in this book: Circumstances, people, and external conditions do not decide the course of your life —you do.

Remember what Walt Disney once said: “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

Drive Your Destiny gives you that courage to master the course of your life.

Download Drive Your Destiny: Create a Vision for Your Life, Build Better Habits for Health and Wealth, and Unlock Your Inner Greatness

In Drive Your Destiny, you will learn the strategies and tactics to:

  • Master the key decisions in your life that make a difference

  • Change your limiting beliefs with the 6-point system

  • Empower your life with vision-building strategies

  • Build the right habits to reach your objectives

  • Create a portfolio of winning goals

  • Maximize your mental and physical energy.

  • You don’t have to settle for what you can get.

For a time, I believed forces beyond my control determined my destiny. I thought my future had already been decided. I had the wrong beliefs about living my life. I discovered I could switch the reality of what I was experiencing by changing my thoughts, behavior, habits, and ultimately my actions.

Reinforce Positive habits and Put an End to Negative Results.

Habits don’t just happen. They are developed throughout your lifetime by consistent repetition. If you just let your habits “happen to you” rather than choosing the habits you need, you will become a slave to your circumstances.

Anything is possible when you follow the beliefs of those who’ve already achieved what you desire. You can emulate the success of your mentors if you study the system of beliefs they used as a pathway toward personal excellence.

Stop wasting your time and your life. Get up off the mat and fight back against the circumstances life has thrown at you.

Believe in Your Dream and Life Mission

When you believe in your life purpose, it provides you with the focus and confidence to make clearer decisions as to the direction you need to take to fulfill your mission. Believing in a powerful destiny means believing in something bigger than yourself.

Define Your Goals: The Pillars of Destiny

A focused goal can transform a simple idea into a multi-million dollar business. It can take a mundane existence and give it purpose, or materialize a dream into reality in just a matter of months. When you create a portfolio of clearly defined goals, this becomes your concrete plan of action for the future.

Create the vision of the real “you” that is buried under years of conforming to bad standards and fake personas

Why wait to start living your life? It is time to take action and make a decision. Learn to do what you love and Drive Your Destiny home today.

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