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Vegas Rules (The Valens Legacy Book 7) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
Fresh from his victory in Reno, Sean's now in Las Vegas to fulfill his promise to help the lycans there with their own slavery problems. Thankfully there aren't any mages councils in Las Vegas, the mob took care of that years ago. However, there are a number of casinos that are still very entrenched in the use of lycan slaves, not just as workers, but as entertainment, both public and private.

Then there are all those magic users who come to 'sin city' to play, and many of them play rough when it comes to both the lycans and the mundanes. While shutting down those casinos that won't see reason will help, Sean still has to figure out ways to help Roxy's father and the others in their quest to rein in the worst of the excesses.

They may say that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but the truth is, what happens in Vegas could very well send a notice to the rest of the nation councils that things are changing, and this lion plays for keeps.

WARNING: “Vegas Rules” contains explicit sexuality, nudity, violence, bad language, arson, robbery, attempted murder, actual murder, military style raids, mass combat, self-defense, pro-active self-defense, destruction of private property, vandalism, breaking and entering, misleading by government officials, tantric magic, polyamory, mayhem, people who aim to misbehave, gratuitous sex and violence, and a guy who makes werewolves play fetch in the park for dog biscuits. (They're really good biscuits, trust me, that's why they haven't killed him yet).