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How to Design TED Worthy Presentation Slides: Presentation Design Principles from the Best TED Talks (How to Give a TED Talk Book 2) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: AkashKaria.com
“Reading this book changed my presentation style and my slides, both for the better - and I've been a professional speaker for over 30 years.” ~ Becki L. James

“How to Design TED-Worthy Presentation Slides” is your secret to designing sexy presentations

How to Design (and Deliver) TED-Worthy Presentation Slides is a short, practical and step-by-step guide to creating sexy slides.

It is based on an extensive analysis of some of the best TED speakers, such as Brene Brown, Daniel Pink, Amy Cuddy, Larry Lessig, Seth Godin, Bill Gates and many, many more.

Included in the book are sample sexy slides from TED talks, as well as from across the web, to help you master the art of presentation design.

Learn how to breathe life into your slides, instead of draining it out of your audience

By the end of this guide, you too will be able to create sexy presentation slides that keep your audiences mesmerized. More importantly, you will be able to design presentations that breathe life into your slides, instead of draining it out of your audience.

Not convinced yet? Here’s just a taste of what you’ll learn inside the book:

The most common mistake most presenters make – and how you can avoid it

•The one principle that will make you better than 90% of most speakers

How to quickly create a presentation storyboard

•Bill Gates’ trick for transforming his slides from dull to dashing

The Seth Godin presentation formula

•The importance of contrast

Locating and using sexy fonts

•Spicing up your presentations with video

Displaying data without being dull

•Ensuring consistency between slides

How to deliver a great TED talk (or any other speech or presentation)

•And much, much more…

“A must read...An essential tool for preparing effective, interesting and "sexy" presentations...a must read for any professional who wants to improve his communication skills.” ~ Rosalinda Scalia

“The lessons shared in this short book will a go a long way to helping a person give better public presentations. The insights shared by Akash are like golden nuggets in a river full of info!” ~ Alan Portugal

“I have been teaching workshops at universities and Fortune 500 Campuses up and down the East Coast on building better presentations. Akash hits all the right notes in this book. A must read for anyone wanting to build powerful presentations.” ~ David Bishop

“Excellent for those who want to really engage their audience. I incorporated many of the principles within and developed a more effective product presentation.” ~ Tom Tipps

“Right on the mark. Just what I was looking for as a non-designer.” ~ Erik J. Zettelmayer

“Make a greater impact with your presentations. While reading this book I was mentally reviewing my talks where I use PowerPoint slides. I am now changing some of those slides to make a greater impact on the listeners. These tips are easy to implement and make sense.” ~ John C. Erdman

“As always we can expect the best from Akash and we are getting more.” ~ Payam Bahrampoor

“This book gives practical advice. However, it does not stop there. It demonstrates how to use that advice, gives visual examples of what to do and what not to do and explains why. It turns creating a presentation from a dreaded event to one allowing creativity to flow and your passion about your subject matter to emerge on the screen through your slides.” ~ Pandora Training and Consulting

“I will admit to rarely reviewing books. However, this book was such a step above any others I've read on the art of PowerPoint presentations, I had to give it a five star review.” ~ David Schwind

If you are ready to create sexy, mesmerizing slides and make a greater impact with your presentation, then scroll up and click the "buy now" button to get started...