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Nikola Tesla’s Diary - How I Lit Up The World: (Educational Book with Illustrations For Children) (English Edition)

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カテゴリ: Kindle版

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Although Nikola Tesla findings and inventions completely changed the way in which we see the world today, we rarely come across him name in history and scientific books. Why is that?

Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.”-

Nikola Tesla.

This quote of Tesla is an adequate mirror of the way he lived his life. Though he didn’t receive the recognition he deserved when he was alive, that didn’t stop him from thinking ahead of his time and ‘brightening’ the future. Today, we have him to thank for the light we take for granted. Though Tesla’s greatest contribution to humanity would undoubtedly be the Alternating current, he also paved the way for the innovation of many products we use in our lives today, like radios, remote controls, etc. He was a genius with a photographic memory (imagine remembering everything you see and remember it vividly) and though unrecognized and unappreciated during his time, today he is regarded as one of the greatest scientific minds of all time.

Tesla was a very interesting and quirky inventor, and there is so much information about him that is mind-boggling. Because Tesla was such an interesting and fascinating individual, this book is written as a fictional journal. While the journal is fictional, all the information about his life and timeline are based on facts. So sit back and have a wonderful time learning about Nikola Tesla and his life.