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A Detailed Guide to Self-Publishing with Amazon and Other Online Booksellers: Proofreading, Author Pages, Marketing, and More (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: This is Volume 2, which includes marketability tips, marketing strategies, cover design, editing your proof, perfecting your paperback and eBook, creating an online author platform, and useful tips about Amazon and other booksellers.

The book is both highly informative (like how to use Roman numerals for initial pages and Arabic numbers for others and how to use basic HTML to perfect the eBook), yet also focused on useful marketing, cover design, editing, formatting, and publishing skills.

The paperback edition includes a comprehensive, 21-page index to help you quickly find information.

AUTHOR: Chris McMullen has written and self-published over a dozen paperback books and eBooks. This book also was self-published using the same techniques that are described here.

NOTES: In contrast to the first volume, Volume 2 on marketing and marketability has very little to do with Microsoft Word.

DESCRIPTION: Find highly detailed instructions for how to edit, perfect, and market your books. Some of the specific topics include:
  • Several common mistakes in cover design and subtle pointers for perfecting the cover.
  • Numerous tips for how to proofread your paperback and eBook for editing and formatting issues.
  • Premarketing strategies that you should be applying before you publish to give your book a headstart.
  • Using Roman numerals and Arabic page numbers, and different headings in each chapter in Word 2010.
  • Understanding how to interpret Amazon's sales rank and author rank.
  • How you may receive free media coverage and how to prepare a professional press release package.
  • A variety of tips for arranging and preparing for book readings and signings.
  • Learning the true meaning of marketing and how to apply it to effectively sell your books.
  • Using boldface, italics, linespaces, and bullets in your book description.
  • All about branding your book and your image as an author.
  • Setting up an AuthorCentral account, WordPress or Blogspot blog, and Goodreads author page.
  • Discovering which booksellers are selling your books through CreateSpace's Expanded Distribution.
  • Editing Your Proof (includes marketability, cover design, editing, and subtle formatting tips).
  • Creating Author Pages (your online author platform).
  • Useful Tips about Amazon and Other Booksellers (like keywords, sales rank, customer reviews, and using Amazon Advantage to arrange preorders).
  • Marketing Strategies (an introduction to the concepts and numerous free and low-cost strategies, plus several helpful tips).
Updated October 1, 2014.