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Coming Undone: Contemporary Christian Romance Fiction (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Spirit Light Publishing
Ben Warren has life all figured out. At 35, he’s successful in his work and free as a bird everywhere else. He has no desire to be tied down like some of his friends, and he sees no reason to change that. Then the unthinkable happens and causes him to rethink everything about everything.

Kathryn Walker can’t figure out what she’s doing wrong in the dating department. The rest of her life makes sense. She’s compassionate, strong, honest, hard-working and still alone. She wonders if she is doomed to spend forever single. Little does she know that her life is about to take a major turn. In fact, she doesn’t even see it happening until it has. Can she ever get past the fact that Mr. Right didn’t show up in the way she thought he would?

“Kleenex required, but well worth it.”

Death is not a topic most people want to discuss much less face. COMING UNDONE takes on this heart-wrenching topic with faith and tenderness. Katherine’s prayers bring life to this Contemporary Christian Romance even as they teach Ben that life without God is shallow and fleeting. Get swept away with this romance that will quickly find its way onto your most inspirational books list.

*~* EXCERPT *~*

Ragged. That was a good word to describe Dr. Warren’s “family.” It wasn’t a family. Just one guy, and Kathryn wished she had thought to ask a few more questions. As they walked down the hall, Dr. Vitter in front, her in the middle, and the guy behind her, she sank into prayer because that was all she could think to do. God had better show up for this one because she was definitely out of her league. He looked just barely this side of death himself.

In the office, Dr. Vitter motioned toward the little couch on the far wall, and Kathryn accepted his invitation. When she was seated, she watched Mr. Warren sit on the other side, gaze down, looking like he might fall off the earth if someone didn’t hold onto him. She smiled softly, hoping her compassion was evident and not condescending. It was then that she realized Dr. Vitter was not planning to stay.

“Take as long as you need,” he said. With that, he turned and hustled out, closing the door behind him.

Oh, help, God! her heart screamed into the abyss. She looked over at the guy who looked positively ripped to pieces. Where to start and how? Words failed her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t catch your first name.”

When he looked up, his blue-green eyes were filled with a pleading for her to do something, anything someone hadn’t already thought of. “Uh, Ben. Ben Warren.”

She nodded, wishing she could do or say something to take away the immense pain in his distraught eyes. “Mr. Warren…”

“Please, call me Ben.”

“Ben,” she said softly, “I’m sorry about what’s happened.” The words stopped because compassion choked the rest from her chest. She had learned not to force herself to keep talking in such situations. Time was a stabilizer that rushing simply couldn’t match. “Dr. Vitter said you’re considering hospice care for your father.”

Ben’s dark eyebrows arched in slight sarcasm. “I guess.” He exhaled and put his elbows on his knees and his hands to his mouth. “I don’t really know what I’m doing to be honest with you. All of this… stuff is totally new to me. I don’t know what’s best. I don’t even know what’s worst at this point.”

She watched him, her emotional radar searching for any and all signals that would guide her words. “I take it you will be the one to make the decision.”

“Yeah.” He laughed a hollow laugh. “Lucky me, huh?”

Kathryn didn’t push it. He was working this out in his head and his heart, and she had to let him in his way, in his time.

When he looked at her, there were a myriad of questions in his eyes. “Um, can I ask you some things? I mean, they didn’t really tell me much about your… program.”

“Certainly. Ask whatever you want.”