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How to Handle a Narcissist: Understanding and Dealing with a Range of Narcissistic Personalities (Narcissism Books) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
#1 Amazon Bestselling Author on Narcissism and Grief for a Parent #

"How to Handle a Narcissist" is an informed guide founded in emotional intelligence, that will help you understand, handle and deal with extreme narcissists.

Most of us show some degree of self-enhancing tendencies, but emotional abuse, emotional blackmail and manipulation do not form part of most people's narcissistic reactions. Taking a spectral approach to narcissism, it combines the latest research with real-life stories and practical advice to help stop emotional abuse and give the reader enough objectivity to step off the emotional rollercoaster.

Whether the narcissistic person in your life is your partner, a narcissistic family member, narcissistic boss or friend, this book will help you to understand what you need to do to regain control of your boundaries, and guide the relationship in whichever direction is best for yourself and others.

This book does not intend to help you become the narcissist's nightmare, but aims instead to help you take the higher road by understanding and disarming the narcissist. We can take back control of our boundaries and empower ourselves when dealing with these dangerous personalities!

Here Is a Preview of What You’ll Learn…

  • Learn how to identify and differentiate between healthy and extreme narcissism, and determine how the narcissist in your life ranks for both

  • Discover how narcissism can be considered a dependence on narcissistic supply, mirroring a dependence on alcohol or other drugs

  • Find out what the narcissist wants from you

  • Discover practical research-based methods to making life easier with the narcissist

  • Read about other people's experiences with narcissists, and what they subsequently learnt

  • Download your copy today!

    Download your copy of "How to Handle a Narcissist" to learn real, valuable and helpful tips to influence a narcissist and start seeing things improve in a matter of days.

    Check Out What Others Are Saying…

    "This book was really easy to read and avoided the blame, shame and label rhetoric that you see when you read about narcissists. I found it really useful to see the narcissist in my life as more of a person and why they were being so difficult. Then I could handle them from a much calmer place. Really helpful" - S. Goldberg

    "I bought this to help me decide what to do about my narcissistic mother. I'm going to give the techniques a try and see if we can have something of a relationship, really hoping they work" - M. Winston

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