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How To Do Restorative Yoga: For Home or In A Class (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Mind Heart Publishing

Deep Relaxation for Your Body and Mind

If you suffer from regular headaches, a tight neck or a painful back... if you find it difficult to sleep easily and comfortably at night... if you suffer from anxiety or frustration on a daily basis... This book is just for you..

Here's why...
Restorative yoga will melt away any tightness or pain in your body, allowing more relaxation, peacefulness and ease of movement to flow into your body, mind and daily life.

And, you need to realize, there is a cost involved in not dealing with the pain and stiffness in your body...

If You Ignore It, It will Just Get Worse

What most people do when facing regular headaches, stiff back, difficulty sleeping or anxiety on a daily basis is:

- Use painkilling and/or sleeping medications
- Purchase a softer bed or chair to lay or sit in
- "Grin and bear it" and hope it will eventually go away
- Seek out massage for relief

But for most people, none of that works...
- Painkillers and sleeping medications tend to work for a short time and give rise to unpleasant side effects
- Softer furniture sounds great but it only works only for a short time and can be very expensive
- "Grinning and bearing it" only compounds the problem and can lead to more complicated health problems later on
- Massage can relieve symptoms for a while but can be expensive and doesn't teach the body more effective ways to move

And, what happens if you just do nothing? If you just keep doing what you're doing?

This book outlines a simple, safe, effective, non-invasive form of yoga that anybody can practice. Restorative yoga will help you to soften and open your body, reducing any pain and allowing more relaxation and ease of movement into your daily life.

This book is suitable for beginners through to advanced yoga practitioners and yoga teachers.

Restorative yoga has worked for 1000's of people and it will work for you!

When you get this book today, you’ll get the key to…

- Reducing pain and unlocking more energy
- Understanding the basic underlying principle to what causes tight, stiff and painful bodies
- Recognising the early signs of tension and what you can do about it
- Practicing restorative yoga at home or teaching it more effectively in a yoga class
- A simple sequence of postures that will dissolve tension in less than 20 minutes
- Increasing the ability to treat and heal yourself
- Deeper relaxation and seeing how it can transform your life
- And more...

It all comes in this easy to read book.