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An Empath: The Highly Sensitive Person's Guide to Energy, Emotions & Relationships (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Xlibris UK
Empaths attract various types of relationships with those who either deny and repress how they feel or with those who are tormented by their emotions. The reason we are drawn towards them is because we naturally want to eradicate any form of suffering and pain. Unfortunately, we can be quite naive and forget that not everyone in the world perceives things as we see them. This leaves us vulnerable and subjected to overwhelming and debilitating emotions. We not only feel and experience our own condition, we also absorb the energy from everything and everyone around us too. Before we can fully understand ourselves or those we become intricately entangled with, we first have to learn how energy operates so that we can acknowledge, identify, discern, process and ultimately transmute all entities so that any negativity in our surrounds, or within ourselves, instantly transcends to positive. Until we do this we will experience other people's pain simultaneously, so whenever someone around is struggling emotionally, physically or pschologically we are gravitationally pulled down too and we then struggle with them. Learning how to identify our own energy from all that exists around us allows us to find balance and harmony in what can seem at times like a raw and extremely harsh world. Our energetic skin is paper-thin and we are highly sensitive creatures and this means that being an empath can be an incredibly tormenting or an exquisitely beautiful way to experience life. It is simply a double-edged sword. Our sensitivities can help, however, they can also hinder us. That is until we figure out how to manage our gifts so that they elevate and construct us rather than causing a continuous pattern of internal or external devastation and deconstruction.