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Eagle to the Son: The story of Isaiah (Heroes and Heroines of the Old Testament Book 1) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Nina Gould
'Eagle to the Son' : The story of Isaiah' is set in Jerusalem more than 600 years before Christ was born. The novel gives an insight into the life and times of Isaiah and his wife Bethulah, a prophetess. Their courtship and marriage is depicted sensitively and with humor.
Gifted with eagle-like vision Isaiah is able to see the glory who is Jesus. Seer, statesman, evangelist, teacher and preacher, he is called by God to give a message which is often rejected. He lives during the reign of five kings, serving those kings who are men of faith loyally, but scorned by those who have fallen into idolatry.
These are turbulent times with wars and rumors of wars and peoples being carried off into exile by the cruel Assyrians. To ensure Jerusalem's water supply in times of siege, wise King Hezekiah has a 1/3 mile tunnel built under Jerusalem, an amazing feat for that era.
There are times of joy, with the Passover Feast being re-introduced with great celebrations
Surrounded by a group of disciples in his latter years, Isaiah pens his great work to the glory of God.
His words resonate down the centuries: 'Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given' and 'He was pierced for our transgressions.'
Also in the series: Abigail: a Home for God. The story of David's 3rd Wife.