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Gilgamesh: The New Translation (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Insignia Publishing
Special Pre-Publication Promotional Price.

"Gilgamesh is monumental!" - Rainer Maria Rilke

The EPIC OF GILGAMESH is the oldest story that has come down to us through the ages of history. It predates the BIBLE, the ILIAD and the ODYSSEY. GILGAMESH relates the tale of the fifth king of the first dynasty of Uruk (in what is modern day Iraq) who reigned for one hundred and twenty-six years, according to the ancient Sumerian King List. The EPIC OF GILGAMESH was first inscribed in cuneiform writing on clay tablets by an unknown author during the Sumerian era and has been described as one of the greatest works of literature in the recounting of mankind's unending quest for immortality.
"Author Gerald J. Davis explores this epic narrative and combines the work of previous scholars to make the story more understandable and accessible to current readers. By presenting the text in long lines of prose, instead of in more restrictive verse, the book is made a far easier read that preserves the meanings of the original work. Davis is an author who has great experience in putting together books such as this one, as he has also created a new translation for classics such as BEOWULF and DON QUIXOTE."-Red City Review