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The Prophetic Future Concealed in Israel's Festivals: Discover Prophetic Codes Hidden in Israel's Holy Days (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Voice of Evangelism
The Feasts of Israel Encode the Future!

The codes are in the shadows. If you have never studied the astonishing prophecies concealed in the seven festivals of Israel, you are about to experience a powerful expose´ that will surprise and enlighten you. Even if you are already familiar with these feasts, you will glean fresh insight that will inspire you. Some of the topics covered in this book are:

What are types and shadows, and how do you discover codes concealed within these shadows?
Cycles and patterns, and why Satan attacks during God’s appointed seasons
The Rapture of righteous Believers as coded within the Feast of Trumpets
What is the meaning of “the last trump?”
The seven-year tribulation as found in the Day of Atonement
Prophetic insight in the Feast of Tabernacles
The significance of Hanukkah for Believers
The Purim Code and the Haman Code found in the story of Esther
The priesthood and the patterns of First Fruits
Satan’s counterfeit feasts
Surviving winter and the bitterness of Chesvan
Perry Stone is noted globally as a teacher of Hebraic - prophetic insight, and in this book, he will unlock the prophetic future that is hidden with the feasts of the Lord. Not only is the future concealed in the past; it is also hidden in the seven feasts. Discover truths many Christians are unaware of, and explore how patterns, cycles, and types are used to reveal future events!